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  id_cols = NULL,
  dates_to = "unit_date",
  cal_unit = "day"



A data frame or tibble containing event details


column containing event start date


column containing event end date


(optional) set of columns that uniquely identify each observation. Ignored if .data is grouped (i.e. using group_by). If .data is not grouped and id_cols is NULL, all columns except for event_start and event_end are used.


string name for column to output calendar unit dates


increment of calendar sequence passed to by argument in seq.Date


See return value of reframe


Convert rows of events to sequence of calendar units for plotting. Duplicates all columns except for event_start and event_date. Requires a unique id key for each event.

This is a thin wrapper around dplyr::reframe() that expands each uniquely identified event in .data to a sequence of datetimes defined by the start, end and the interval cal_unit.


event <- data.frame(
  id = 1,
  start = as.Date("2024-01-05"),
  end = as.Date("2024-01-10")
reframe_events(event, start, end)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>      id unit_date 
#>   <dbl> <date>    
#> 1     1 2024-01-05
#> 2     1 2024-01-06
#> 3     1 2024-01-07
#> 4     1 2024-01-08
#> 5     1 2024-01-09
#> 6     1 2024-01-10
demo_events_gpt |>
  reframe_events(startDate, endDate)
#> # A tibble: 15 × 7
#>    event_id event_title   event_descr event_emoji event_link duration unit_date 
#>    <chr>    <chr>         <chr>       <chr>       <chr>      <drtn>   <date>    
#>  1 EVT001   TechFest 2024 TechFest 2… 🤖          https://t… 2 days   2024-05-15
#>  2 EVT001   TechFest 2024 TechFest 2… 🤖          https://t… 2 days   2024-05-16
#>  3 EVT002   Global Healt… The Global… 🌍          https://g… 3 days   2024-05-25
#>  4 EVT002   Global Healt… The Global… 🌍          https://g… 3 days   2024-05-26
#>  5 EVT002   Global Healt… The Global… 🌍          https://g… 3 days   2024-05-27
#>  6 EVT003   Sustainable … The Sustai… 🌱          https://s… 3 days   2024-06-10
#>  7 EVT003   Sustainable … The Sustai… 🌱          https://s… 3 days   2024-06-11
#>  8 EVT003   Sustainable … The Sustai… 🌱          https://s… 3 days   2024-06-12
#>  9 EVT004   Future of Wo… The Future… 💼          https://f… 2 days   2024-06-20
#> 10 EVT004   Future of Wo… The Future… 💼          https://f… 2 days   2024-06-21
#> 11 EVT005   Space Explor… The Space … 🚀          https://s… 5 days   2024-07-05
#> 12 EVT005   Space Explor… The Space … 🚀          https://s… 5 days   2024-07-06
#> 13 EVT005   Space Explor… The Space … 🚀          https://s… 5 days   2024-07-07
#> 14 EVT005   Space Explor… The Space … 🚀          https://s… 5 days   2024-07-08
#> 15 EVT005   Space Explor… The Space … 🚀          https://s… 5 days   2024-07-09